Review continued with part 5
Other things that did not work for me personally, but they may work for you and your players.
The deities of the Majestic Wilderlands is an informative but not overwhelming set of deities for fascinating roleplaying opportunities. Not all players are going to be up for a game where religion plays such as large role (mine would not be). But for those that are into that, this is the place for them to be.
Regarding the Character Classes and Ability Bonuses, there is a fair bit of bookkeeping and a good up to date character sheet is a must. The stuff provided is good, but you may not want the extra detail depending on your players.
Overall view of the Supplement. Well done, straightforward and well written. I may not be a good judge, but in my opinion it is well edited too. Nothing jumped out at me the way bad editing usually does and so it is a very clean document. I think most people would get a lot of benefit out of this supplement, just for a good example of how it is done if nothing else and while I might not use it directly, if I had the opportunity I would certainly play in it.
Disclaimer: 😉 I realize this is nine years old so I am not trying to break new ground with this review. Mr Conley was kind enough to provide me with the copies and I felt I should make some small effort to let him know what I thought of it. I was to say the least, favorably impressed.
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