Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blackmoor Week Day TWO

Celebrating BlackmoorWeek and the creator of Blackmoor, Dave Arneson who was born on October 1, 1947. Dave Arneson is the creator of Blackmoor and the creator and co-author of Dungeons & Dragons the game that has brought tons of fun to millions of RPG fans. If you play an RPG, any RPG, then you owe a debt of gratitude to Dave Arneson the creator of role-playing games.

So if you play an rpg, any rpg, then play a game this week in his honor. Some people play in their version of Blackmoor, some play an adventure module they have handy and some play in their own home brew game. I'm sure Dave Arneson would approve of all of these because above all he just wanted people to have fun and play games.

Blackmoor, the original most fun to be place.


  1. Oh, that map is fantastic! I had not seen it before, a very nice surprise. Thank you!

    1. Yeah, that is a great map, wish I could do something like that.
